A little introduction.

July 21, 2015

Well, first thing first...WELCOME TO MY BLOG!

After months and months of trying to get my blog layout ready and changing the name 3 times I finally decided that it was time to write my first blog post and introduce myself. Yay!

My name is Hope, I am 16 years old (17 tomorrow!!) and I live in Manchester, United Kingdom.

This blog came about through my obsession of reading other blogs and watching Youtube videos, as well has my growing craze  with beauty and fashion. Not until my mama and a few friends mentioned ''Why don't you start a blog?" did the thought of making one ever cross my mind. I thought this would be a great journey onto hopefully inspiring others the way the blogsphere has inspired me in many ways.  The main basis of this blog will be fashion, beauty, lifestyle and hmmm of course, food. I will also incorporate other posts on topics such has self-love, self-worth, confidence and motivation.

You can find me on: Twitter Instagram and Bloglovin'
So thanks for reading and hope you like my blog. 

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  1. Welcome to the blogging world!! Good luck…

